Matthew Dream chaser
2 min readMar 2, 2024

Whispers of Resolve

In a small town nestled in the southern part of Nigeria, Amina, a 25-year-old aspiring photographer, faced the relentless weight of poverty. Her wearied physical appearance mirrored the toll of her struggles, yet within her, a flicker of determination persisted.

As the southern sun dipped below the horizon, Amina grappled with her meager existence. The feeble glow of a dying phone battery compelled her to step into the oppressive darkness outside, borrowing a neighbor's electricity to power her lifeline.

In the quiet refuge of her neighbor's home, Amina's frustration found an outlet, revealing her mother's inability to afford even a kilogram of gas to prepare dinner that night. The room became a crucible for Amina's resolve, suffused with the harsh reality of hunger and financial strife.

The turning point emerged in the glow of a notification—a YouTube live stream hosted by her favorite artist. The artist's tale of triumph over adversity resonated deeply, casting a spark that ignited Amina's determination. In that moment, she saw a path forward, a beacon cutting through the obscurity of her circumstances.

As the live session concluded, Amina lay in the darkness, replaying the artist's words in her mind. The artist's journey became a blueprint for her own resilience. Though the night remained shrouded, a newfound strength emanated from her core. She quickly got up and sat on her plastic chair to continue her writing project.

With renewed vigor, Amina approached her freelancing job that night. The words of the artist echoed in her mind, fueling her determination to persevere. Despite the fatigue that weighed heavy on her shoulders, she poured herself into her work, each click of the camera a testament to her unwavering resolve. As the night wore on, Amina found solace in the pursuit of her passion, knowing that each moment captured brought her one step closer to realizing her dreams.